Hi my name is Susie and I have been asked to give a bit of a testimonial to some training that I’m involved in and also a recent escrow that I’m about to close. I am happy to do this because it has gone really well and I’m very enthusiastic about the type of mentoring that this is. I have a done a lot of training, I’ve been involved as a full time real estate investor since 2006. I’ve done lots of different training for specific strategies. All of it has been good. I’ve brought a lot of that information with me as I’ve gone along, but the one thing that I was really looking for was a group that had a little bit broader base of what it is that they cover. That it’s just not one strategy, it’s just not dealing with pre-foreclosures or just buying things at the auction or just lease optioning.
That they really were a group that did it all. I have found that in this mentoring. I want to say that for me it’s really solved a couple of issues for me, which were that sometimes you get involved in a deal and you’re not really sure what your exit strategy is or you’re not really sure how you can money on something, how you can help somebody out of their problem if they’ve got a problem with their house. As well as learning how to do the marketing so that you can really dial it up and keep a pipeline filled of a lot of motivated sellers and good amount of deals.
This is a group that does it all. Their training is comprehensive. There are 7 or 8 different coaches involved that you can tap into. They’re either doing coaching calls and you can jump on those. If you have something to talk about you can. If you just want to listen and find out what others are doing and how their deals are going or what strategies they’re using or what’s working for them, how they’re doing their marketing. You learn always from those calls. Additionally there is a plethora of different kinds of training that is audio training, video training, you can read the manuals. It’s for adult learners a great way because sometimes you have to do it 2 or 3 times and you might have to listen to it in a different way or see it, visualize it. It’s all there for however you need to learn.
When you are in the middle of a deal, that’s the other training that I’ve done in the past has been training where you learn the strategy but when it really gets to the point where you’re actually putting deals together you’re usually done. It’s about 3 months training, or it was a mastermind that went for 12 weeks or whatever it is, and then you don’t really have anybody to go back and brainstorm with and say, “I’m here, what do I do?” Or “I’ve got this problem.” Or “I’ve got a agent that’s giving me a headache. What do I do? How do I handle it?” That’s what this training is really designed to do, is that for the length of time that you are involved in the program, and it’s not a quick thing, it’s a pretty good commitment of time and money. One that I think works because of that.
You are there and you can talk to coaches for as long as you’ve got deals. I work full time, this isn’t something I try and do in the margins of my day or on my lunch hour, which I think is particularly hard to do as an investor.
What happens is that I know that I can get through to somebody when I need them. I’ve had a recent experience with a really difficult escrow, it’s so hard. It was a little scary at places. I had both an agent, a broker and their title company who they used predominantly for their deals, that kind of … I don’t know, it felt like they were really ganging up on me and they were throwing speed balls every which way they could. It was hard. It was really scary.
Had I been left to my own devices on this deal, it wouldn’t have gotten closed. I would have gotten a stomach ache and I would have had to go away. I want to say to you that without this training, without this particular style of mentoring, I would have never have finished this deal. I wish I had my $20,000 check to show you today but as luck would have it in this deal, the funding was actually routed to the wrong escrow company. The wire had to be rerouted and didn’t make it for a Friday closing and it’s a holiday weekend.
We actually won’t be closing until next Tuesday, that’s just par for the course with this deal. At any rate if I had it I’d show it to you. It’s good. If you’re thinking about doing this training I would really recommend it highly. For me it has made the difference in my investing career. I hope to run into you on some freedom mentor coaching calls. I wish you the best of luck with Freedom Mentor and I hope this review helped you evaluate the company.
#8: This is a Group That Does it All
Hi my name is Susie and I have been asked to give a bit of a testimonial to some training that I’m involved in and also a recent escrow that I’m about to close. I am happy to do this because it has gone really well and I’m very enthusiastic about the type of mentoring that this is.
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