Mel: Hi, I’m Mel.
Mailah: Hi, I’m Mailah.
Mel: We’ve been in the program for six months, and we currently have nine deals under contract.
I joined Freedom Mentor because, in my job, I feel like I have been reasonably successful. However, I have reached the limit as far as how much I can make, and I still don’t have the financial freedom. I was in search of a way to augment my income. From my research, I found that Freedom Mentor has been a good way to learn how to get into real estate, and hopefully make lots of money.
My experience with Freedom Mentor has been wonderful, awesome. I can rely on the coaches to give me reliable advice, solid. I can act on it. If there’s anything that I don’t feel sure about, I can always get on a coaching call and get my questions answered.
Mailah: At first, really I was not interested, because I am very happy with my job as well, working full-time physical therapy. I thought “I make good money.” Coming into this seminar was more like a birthday present for him. Meeting everyone, like the coaches and the apprentices and Phil, I’m kind of … wow. Amazed. I have learned quite a few, just from listening through the YouTubes that he was watching. I was pretty much eavesdropping. I would just come in the room, and I know that he’s learning and studying the ins and outs. Coming in here, I’m like “It’s true.” It kind of validates what he has learned, and it’s just an eye-opener for me. I told him last night actually, that I think I’m going to be a better wife by supporting you more.
Mel: Thank you.
Mailah: It’s not like I feel like I’m not supporting him, but I feel like I can do more now for him, because I understand the process.
Mel: The very first deal I did, I was so green … I did it, I think it was my first month. I was scared as heck. I know nothing about real estate, I have no background whatsoever. I was messaging the coaches. Every time I get home, I’m on the computer, I’m on my iPad while I’m in the car. I wouldn’t recommend it, you get arrested for that. I was just shocked, you know. My God! I signed up a buyer, and in three weeks I … I mean I signed up a seller, and in three weeks I found a buyer and it closed. It’s like “This is real!” It wasn’t real until the money actually came in to my bank account.
I see my future with Freedom Mentor as … I will be doing this more full-time, and I will do the job that I’m in right now, but just part-time, because I do love it. I do love what I do. However, I think that Freedom Mentor and real estate will be the vehicle where I’m going to realize my dreams.
My experience at Mastery 2018 has been that it gave me a lot of, like she said, validation as to what I think I know. Even though I’ve acted on it and I’ve done deals, but just to hear other students, and to hear from the mentors, and meet them face-to-face
#123: I'm Going to Realize My Dreams
We’ve been in the program for six months, and we currently have nine deals under contract.
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