Hi, my name is Philip. I’ve been with Freedom Mentors since 2014, and I’ve closed about seven, eight deals in the past year. Actually, a friend of mine got me reading books about real estate and kind of learning more about what he could offer, as far as success is concerned. Well, I’m the type of person that would want a little bit more guidance to know that I’m following a proven framework.
So I come across Phil. I mean the content that he provided was very helpful and I’m thinking, okay, if I really want to do this and have that guidance to know that I’m not just spinning my wheels, which I have seen others do in the past, I wanted to be a part of this team. So I joined his team and that’s why I joined.
My experience so far I mean it’s been great. I mean its everything Phil says it is, and this is not just I’m saying it because I’m a part of it now but basically he tells you this is what I do. I will say, he’s not giving you, Phil’s not doing the work for you. Here’s the information, I’m providing the coaching and the mentorships in case you have questions along the way because there’s certain things that happen that you just got to learn for yourself, and kind of got to go through it and you have those coaches there with you to guide you. So it’s basically everything Phil says it is, and I think it’s been terrific. It’s been very helpful. Changed my life. Definitely for the better.
I mean not every deal, you do have the deals that are a little bit more shaky, I say they need a little bit more massaging, but one particular deal, we’ll call the guy James, slight maybe bumps in the road, but it was pretty silky smooth.
Got the property under contract. $50,000 is what he wanted for the property. Looking at the comps, I’m thinking, after it’s repair, would go for probably $150,000. Basically follow what Phil and the coaches said as far as following the process, having it under contract, threw it up on the MLS, and probably within a few days we got a multiple offer situation. We sold that one for like $92,500, yep. So in this I’ll probably put about six or seven hours worth of work into it. Like I said, it was pretty smooth. I think it was a slight hiccup at the very end where some technical detail, we just delayed closing for a day or two, but there you go, $42,000, six, seven hours of work.
This is my third conference and I would have to say by far, this one is probably one of the best. Phil’s gone into great detail. So it’s not just for the beginner investor, but for the more seasoned investor to be able to take things, learn them, and apply them essentially instantly when you go back home and you’re thinking, what I need to do. I mean, I have several action items that I’ve already kind of implemented over the breaks or even after the event was done for the day. So, I would say by far 2018’s the best Freedom Mentor conference to date. I don’t know what Phil intends to do with the video here, but for anyone that’s out there that’s kind of on the fence, and if you’re already on the fence that’s kind of already a sign that you probably should do it. I can only speak from my own experience, and for me it’s definitely been life changing, not just financially, but the mindset, the overall, to be able to escape the matrix, to be able to escape the rat race.
#122: It's Definitely Been Life Changing
Hi, my name is Philip. I’ve been with Freedom Mentors since 2014, and I’ve closed about seven, eight deals in the past year.
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